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Re: VMs: Re: Context sensitive encoding
PS: note that the observation about the third or fourth letter in a "word"
containing a lot of information could (IIRC) could be an indication that a
tight coupling between the first two glyphs exists... which would be
perfectly consistent with a pair-coding scheme.
My thought for the day is to take a page or two of Italian text from circa
1500 and "syllabify" it from the point of view of a syllabic cipher-maker -
what does the frequency distribution of the resulting dataset look like,
and how does that distribution match up with the distribution of a typical
pair-set rendering from the VMS? ie, do the pair-centric stats of the VMS
match up at all with a typical syllabic data-set rendering?
It could be that the code-maker had also been exposed to Hebrew, which
(syllable-wise) would have been the closest match to Japanese circa 1500 -
certainly, there are many documented links between Jews and code-making at
that time (if not many actual examples of gematria-driven codes in
practical use).
Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....
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