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VMs: VMs-related: Bad news

I have fallen into a hornets' nest. I am stumped.
I cannot even figure out if it's software-related,
or hardware-related. In short: DOS will talk to my
CD drive, but only DOS. Not Windows, not Linux.

If anyone on this list has ever experienced something
somehow similar and could perhaps help, the details
of my woes are there:


As soon as I muster up the energy (tomorrow) I am
going to open the case again and swap the cables,
connecting the hard disk cable to the secondary
IDE and the CD cable to the primary IDE. That
is about the only remotely sensible thing I have 
not tried. It's not only the VMs that can send
people insane (like poor Newbold), it's also
the humble PC (like it does this poor Frogguy).

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