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Re: VMs: 17

Big Jim wrote (snip)....
 The Prime number 17 was called by the Pythagoreans - opposition, 
 obstruction, and evil, and the day the Devil triumphed over God. This 
 number hums with the astrological nature of the planets Saturn and Hades, 
 and the zodiacal sign Capricorn.
 Now, for me, 17 reduces to 8.  8 being the number of death and rebirth. An 
 extension of thought could render the above definition.
 "It isn't that they can't see the solution.
   It's that they can't see the problem."
 G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)

*YES* the "obstruction" (flipping the code) which is "evil in design"
reduces to a number
"8". (which is ITS (vms) ?Center (folded key) character?)

CENTER the "8" --- the folded charcter "8" is the "CENTER" !!!

" Think death/rebirth but/and mostly " BIRTH/rebirth !!! "

Best to you & yours
steve (back =under my rock here=:) ekwall

our VMS (i'm told?) is GOOD for ALL! (repeat GOOD!)

~nAsTy CoDe tHoUgH~ :-))

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