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RE: VMs: could it not be a hoax (I would like it not to be it)

Re-reading what I wrote, I realise that it is less
than clear:

> - problem: there are far more than 10 VMs
>   characters, so what is the meaning of words
>   that are composed of combinations?
>   + Is every word which is a combination of the
>      number characters definitely a number?

The numbers are a subset of the VMs script.
There are characters that are not numbers and
there are those that are. What to do with a 
word that is composed of characters from both
Essentially, the number characters must also 
represent letters. There are some problems
with that, but there is a clear precedent: Greek. 
Greek astronomical texts do have numbers written
in the Greek alphabet embedded in the text, but
these are immediately recognisable as 
invalid words. This is certainly true for someone
who can read Greek, but I have a feeling that the
type of statistics that people have run on the
VMs would also pick out these words.

So, in the VMs, words that are numbers should
probably be recognisable 'somehow', as being 

Come to think of it, the first word of each herbal
page would fit this category.

Cheers, Rene

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