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VMs: Re: Personal Guess

My turn, I guess:

I trust the experts so believe 1450-1499. 
(If I didn't, I could believe that it was older
rather than younger).

Italy, Spain or the southern part of greater
Germany (includes Bohemia).

Someone who knows his (contemporary) science
but has some different ideas. A fringe scientist.

No idea. I'm quite open. I could imagine an
invented language where new words are made up 
and added to the vocabulary on the fly. I have
a hunch that some number system could be behind
Nothing as complicated as Newbold or Strong

I'm assuming that the text fit the pictures, but 
accept that there is a small chance that this
is not true.

Decipherable / hoax?
I expect that the text has a meaning. I could
very well imagine that the technique used by the
composer of the MS to convert this meaning to
its written form may have made this meaning
irrecoverable, by accident. 

To clarify this last point: there used to be this
'magic' trick, I forget how it went, where a 
test person had to imagine a number. He would then
be asked to make various calculations based on
this number, and at the end the interrogator would
predict that the outcome of the calculations was
1089. The point was that due to the selected set
of operations, this was the outcome regardless of
what was the original number. It was lost in the
I don't imagine anything as intricate in the 
VMs. I could well imagine someone 'transcribing' 
Arabic (or Sanskrit, or whatever) without having the
first clue about what the original script is supposed
to mean.

Cheers, Rene

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