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VMs: Re: Currier A and B + conjecture_2

Steve wrote:
> While I think I follow your "10", take a second or two, think 3 3 9!
I do, in spite of the 10 labels. The Sephirotic tree depicts primarily a
3.3, or else 3(1+2)= 3+3x2 definite philosophical process of
creation/transmutation. One may find plenty of scholarly interpretations in
support of that view. I conclude then that the ancient number of 10
sephiroth likely resulted from the inclusion there of the Spirit of God or
of the Palace of Holiness with the structure of that process.

> *IF* you had to "drop one" (of the 10 (below)) /who/which would it be
> / and why? of the final "Nine" 'sephiroth'
To "drop" any of those 10 labels in Kether-Crown (the N sephira) perhaps may
not be a good idea.  I consider that the VMS author did not intend to map
those labels with the 9 sephiroth. I have a hunch that one should start in
Kether, from oko and proceed clockwise, doing just what??? in the process?
As per the sephiroth themselves, the central Tipheret-beauty-(the perceptual
world) seems to have been interpreted by the VMS author (and by a majority
of researchers) as  a whirlpool or convergence center of some kind, and it
may perhaps be regarded as something different in the whole process.
Following the identification of f85_86 as the Tree of Life, and witnessing
that all the text in that folio is consistently written clockwise in its 3x3
grid, I found that your flip_fold_key and the categorization of some glyphs
as pointers correlates with the possibilities offered by those views.

>ps your suggest'd key (if it yet remains in vms, though IT
is readable/DEcodable without KEY(s)), f85_86 is promising If
you can see what I sEEs there/within IT! :-)
I would feel pleased that you may share with us what you see there in a more
explicit way...

> pss - REM: you're following the path of TruTh!!!!!
I know. We are both offering odd, however conceivable and more or less
congruous perspectives on the attempt to crack an enigma that has resisted
competence, technology and established methods for so long. I feel myself
convinced that some necessary combination of sound expertise with off-beat
approaches will someday deliver a solution.

> psss - the Time is nOw :-)
Now is Eternity.

Steve, while I find your particular stile of writing a little uncomfortable
to follow, I feel pleased to know that you also detected some resonance
between our approaches to the VMS.

Best wishes,
Jorge Aveleira

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