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AW: VMS-List-Archive Search Engine (was: AW: AW: VMs: introducing myself and 2 questions :))

hi jeff,

im not really shure if i understand you right, because of my limit
english-abilities, but i think you mean something like a searchindex?
i think its like the idea that nick had:
for often searched terms like the pagenumbers or peoplenames like
bacon or dee we create a table in the database where in one field
the searchterm is stored and in the other field an array of all
emailnumbers where you can find this searchterm is stored.
if one types in the searchterm the system searches first in this
table and if the term is not referenced there it searches the 
whole database. if the term is listed, the system reads the array,
fetches the emails referenced there and just need to give all emails 
out to the browser. the referencing progress to build up the 
indextable would be a simple cronjob running at night.

we could use this also to build up a page with the indexlist, so one
can easily click on it, like nick mentioned.
for example you can have a list with all the page-numbers on it and
so you can easily retrieve all informations i.e. for page f5v (or
all informations about "bacon"). :)
i would also precreate this information as a textfile at night 
with a cronjob, so that one can simply download this information
for offline reading (of course pdf is possible, but there a license
for this is needed.)

kind regards,
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