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Re: Nabatean, was Re: VMs: Personal Guess

Bruce Grant wrote:
> (Is anyone aware of another natural language which been found in only one
> example?)

	The Phaistos Disk comes to mind:


I'm sure there are others. Anyone?

> Though it is always possible that the VMS represents a natural language encoded
> in some way (say, a transcription of a non-written language or a shorthand), the
> idea that it is plaintext in a language that we can't read only because it is so
> obscure seems pretty unsupportable to me.

	I agree.  It could be in an artificial language, or in
an encipherment unlike 
anything else.  If it were in any cipher known up to
the 20th century, Friedmann or 
Tiltman would have made short work of it.  I can't even
think of any gibberish that 
looks much like it.

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