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RE: VMs: algorithm to generate VMS like text

--- Jon Grove <JGrove@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On the subject of creating VMS-like text, I've been
> experimenting recently
> with an algorithm which produces a reasonable
> approximation to Voynichese.

I dare say!

>From your description it seems that you've
combined GC's and Nick's ideas: a polyalphabetic
substitution, outputting pairs (or more?) of 
characters for plaintext characters and introducing
spaces as necessary.

Then turned it into a working algorithm.

> I don't necessarily claim that this is how the VMS
> is encoded, 

it would be very hard to maintain :-)

> However it's not clear to me how such
> a system could recreate some of the curious
> statistical properties of VMS text.

I haven't seen anything that covers nearly as
much as this example. The main problem I see
is related to the labels, which are not
explained by this method.

> InthebeginningGodcreated.... 

> lshey alkches otchol qsheol qtchdal ykchain
> qolkcheaiin dkched dkedy
> alkcheaiin sheedy qcheal dykor okcheaiin qolkor
> qoshed dkedy ocheo dkedam
> qochdam lkor ycheey akeeo l qoshed sheear lkchaiin
> qkchd qoteos qkcheody r



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