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Re: VMs: Image Source, Accuracy of Transcriptions
GC wrote:
> Look at the forerunners to the EVA, and you'll see that most of them
> attempted to transcribe what they saw, and only after that attempt to make
> sense of it.
Here I don't agree. EVA, FSG, and Currier map very
well onto each
other. EVA does sometimes use several characters where
FSG and Currier
use one, but one can easily and unambiguously convert
back and forth
with Gabriel's BITRANS scripts. I agree, statistical
results look quite
different between these three, plus Rene's CurEVA. I
found out as
much way back in 1997 when I did the work for my paper,
the Second-Order Entropies of Voynich Text". CurEVA
or the older two probably represent one VMs grapheme
with one character better. But Gabriel and Rene were
well aware of this
when they designed EVA. So I don't think that's the
issue. If you see
distinctions, say, that Currier doesn't make, that's
another story.
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