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VMs: Voynich word generator

I have put together a list of words generated by reverse scanning existing
vms words from last letter to first and building a linked tree of letter
sequences. This preseves the gallows sequences cth, cph etc, as well as
other letter groupings. It produces words that follow the general pattern of
letter sequences in the text. As I have only scanned the first 19 pages of
the EVA I will now run a test to see how many of these words do not occur in
this sample. I will then try to scan the rest of the vms to see if any of
the words I have generated appear in the rest of the vms transliteration.

If anyone is interested in either the results of these tests or in seeing
the generated list then please let me know.

If I have been able to generate words that I have not yet come across I
believe this may be part of the answer to how the vms was done. I will have
to wait and see I suppose.

btw the list is 920k so it ain't small.

bye for now


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