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VMs: The backward scan method
This is a long email I hope noone minds.
Here is the data used. All derived from my sample EVA text of the first 19
pages. An explanation follows the table.
Position from end of word: 2
ady d(1),p(1)
aen l(1)
aim d(2)
ain d(36),e(2),h(5),k(5),o(2),r(1),s(4),t(3)
air d(14),h(2),k(2),o(2),s(1)
ais d(2)
aky d(2)
ala d(1)
ald h(1),k(2)
alg d(1)
als d(1),e(1)
aly d(2),e(2),h(1),o(1),t(1)
amo d(2)
aor t(1)
ary d(2),h(1),k(1),o(1),s(1)
che k(1)
chl r(1)
chm d(1)
cho d(1),f(1),k(5),p(1),r(1),s(1),t(9),y(2)
chs k(2)
chy d(14),e(2),f(2),h(1),k(66),l(3),o(6),p(13),r(5),s(3),t(56),y(5)
ckh h(1)
cky h(1),o(1)
cth o(1)
cty o(2)
dal h(1),o(3),y(2)
dam o(5)
dan o(3)
dar l(1),o(8)
das y(1)
dey o(1)
dlo y(1)
dol o(3)
dom l(2)
dor d(1),o(1),y(1)
dsf o(1)
dyd o(1),y(1)
eal h(2)
eam h(1),t(1)
ean h(2)
ear e(5),h(10),k(1)
eas h(1)
eay e(1),h(1)
eee k(1),o(1)
eeg l(1)
een e(4),h(1)
eeo e(1),k(2),o(1)
ees e(9),h(2),o(5),y(1)
eey d(1),e(4),h(24),k(17),o(1),t(3)
eky e(2),h(3)
eod e(1),h(2)
eol d(1),e(5),h(12),k(6),t(5)
eom h(1),k(3),o(1)
eor e(5),h(25),k(7),o(2),t(1)
eos h(2)
ese e(1)
esy e(1)
ety h(1)
eyr h(1)
fhy c(2)
fol o(1)
had c(1)
hal c(9),k(1),s(2),t(5)
ham c(11),f(1),k(2),t(1)
han c(5),k(1),s(2),t(1)
har c(22),f(1),k(1),p(2),s(5),t(11)
hds c(1)
hdy c(3)
heo c(4),s(7)
hes c(1),t(1)
het s(1)
hey c(49),k(4),p(1),s(17),t(13)
hhy f(1),k(1),p(1)
hky c(3)
hod c(5),p(1),s(2),t(4)
hok c(1),s(1)
hol c(139),f(3),k(5),p(6),s(49),t(21)
hom c(13),s(1),t(6)
hop c(1)
hor c(148),k(3),p(2),s(37),t(27)
hos c(7),s(1),t(1)
hot c(1)
hoy c(11),p(1),s(3)
hsy c(2)
hty c(3)
hyd c(1),t(1)
hys c(1)
idy i(1)
iim a(2)
iin a(335),i(7),o(30),r(1)
iir a(8),o(2)
iis o(1)
ils i(1)
imm a(1)
ind a(1)
iny a(1),i(1)
ird a(1)
iro a(1)
kai o(1)
kal o(7),y(1)
kam i(1),o(2),y(2)
kan o(1)
kar e(1),h(3),o(4),y(1)
kay o(1)
kch y(1)
keg e(1)
keo o(1)
key o(1),y(2)
kho c(2)
khy c(31),o(1)
kod o(1)
kol d(1),o(17),y(4)
kom o(3)
kor e(1),h(1),o(9),y(1)
kos o(1)
koy h(1),o(1)
ksh y(1)
kyd o(2)
lal o(1)
lar o(1)
ldg o(1)
lds o(1)
ldy a(4),i(1),o(14)
ler o(1)
lod d(1)
lol h(1),o(3)
lom o(2)
lor a(1),o(4)
lsy o(2)
lty o(1)
ndy i(1)
nol i(1)
oal d(1),h(2)
oan h(1)
oar f(1),k(1),q(1),y(1)
odg r(1)
odl h(1)
odo h(1),r(1)
ody d(2),e(11),h(42),k(7),l(4),q(2),r(3),s(2),t(4)
oep h(1)
oin d(1),h(1)
oko o(1)
oky d(1),e(2),h(8),k(1),q(11)
old d(1),h(1),t(1)
olo d(1),h(1),t(1)
ols h(1),l(1),s(1),t(2)
oly h(5),k(2),l(1)
oor h(3)
oos q(1)
orl d(1)
ory e(1),h(8),r(1),s(1)
osh t(1)
oss r(1)
oto h(1)
oty d(1),h(11),q(11)
pal o(1)
pch y(1)
pho c(1)
phy c(7)
pod y(1)
pol o(2)
ral o(1)
ram a(1),i(1)
rar o(3)
rdy a(1),i(1),o(4)
res h(1)
rin i(2)
rol i(1)
rom a(3),o(1)
ror a(1),o(1)
sed e(1)
sey e(1),h(1)
she c(1),d(1)
sho d(1),k(3),l(1),s(1),t(1),y(1)
shy d(5),k(15),o(2),r(1),t(8),y(3)
tal o(3),y(2)
tam o(2)
tan o(1)
tar a(1),o(3),y(1)
tch o(1),y(1)
tdg y(1)
tey o(2),y(2)
thd c(1)
thl c(1)
tho c(3)
thy c(80)
tly o(1)
tod h(2),o(1)
tol o(16),y(6)
tom o(1)
tor o(14),y(7)
toy o(2),y(1)
tyd e(1),o(1)
yds h(1),t(1)
ydy d(2),f(1),h(3),o(1),p(1),t(3)
yky d(2),h(5)
yty a(1),d(1),h(2),k(1),o(1)
Position from end of word: 3
aii d(183),e(4),h(45),k(35),l(1),o(17),p(1),r(7),s(11),t(30),y(3)
aim d(1)
ain d(2)
air d(2)
ald d(2),h(1),k(1)
alo d(1)
ara d(1)
ard d(1)
aro d(2),h(1),o(1)
ata s(1)
ayt d(1)
cha d(1),i(1),k(7),l(2),p(4),s(1),t(11),y(1)
chd l(1)
che d(3),f(1),k(9),l(1),o(3),p(5),r(2),s(1),t(10),y(2)
cho d(12),f(3),k(55),o(5),p(10),r(2),s(1),t(48),y(12)
chs k(1),l(1)
cht t(1)
chy a(1),d(1)
ckh d(1),h(15),o(4)
cph h(2),l(1)
cth d(1),e(1),h(10),i(1),o(14)
dai l(2),o(5),y(4)
dak l(1)
dal o(2)
dch o(2)
dee y(1)
dod o(1)
dsh o(2)
dyd y(1)
eai h(2)
eal h(3)
ech k(2)
eea e(1),h(1),o(2),t(1)
eee d(2),e(1),h(1),k(3),o(6),s(1),t(3)
eek h(2)
eeo e(1),h(4),k(4),t(1)
ees d(1),e(1)
eka e(1)
eke h(1)
eko o(1)
eod e(2),h(5),k(3),t(1)
eok k(1),o(1)
eor h(1)
ese h(1),k(1)
fch o(2)
fha c(2)
fhh c(1)
fho c(3)
fyd o(1)
hai c(5),s(1),t(1)
hal c(2)
har c(1)
hch c(1)
hck c(2)
hda c(1)
hea c(13),s(4)
hee c(14),s(12),t(1)
hek c(1),s(2)
heo c(31),p(1),s(8),t(2)
het c(1)
hey s(1)
hka c(3)
hko c(2)
hlo c(1)
hoa c(2),p(1)
hod c(26),k(1),p(1),s(12),t(4)
hoe c(1)
hoi s(1)
hok c(6),s(2)
hol c(4),f(1),s(1),t(2)
hoo c(2),t(1)
hor c(5),s(2),t(1)
hot c(8),s(4)
hre t(1)
hse c(1)
hto c(2)
hyd c(2),k(1),p(1)
hyk c(5)
hyt c(2)
iid a(1)
iii a(4),d(1),o(2)
iil a(1)
iin a(1)
ika a(1)
ild i(1)
ind a(1)
ino i(1)
ira i(1)
ird a(1)
iri a(2)
iro i(1)
kai o(5),y(1)
kal o(1),y(1)
kar o(1)
kch e(1),h(3),o(39),y(17)
kea o(1)
kee h(3),o(7),y(6)
keo e(1),o(11),y(2)
kha c(5)
khe c(4)
khh c(1)
kho c(7),e(1)
kod l(1),o(5),y(1)
kol y(1)
ksh d(1),e(1),o(8),y(2)
lae o(1)
lch a(2),o(1)
lda o(1)
ldo o(2)
lee o(1)
lod a(1),o(2)
lol o(2)
lsh o(1)
oai h(1),k(1),q(2)
oal d(1)
oar h(1)
och h(3),r(1)
ock q(1)
oct h(2),o(1)
oda e(1),f(1),h(10),i(1),k(1),q(3)
ode h(1)
odo h(2),q(1)
ods r(1)
oee e(1),h(2),t(2)
oeo q(2),s(1)
ofo q(1)
oii d(4),h(10),k(7),l(1),o(1),p(1),s(2),t(4)
oka q(4),s(1)
oke h(1),q(1)
okh q(1)
oko q(14)
oky h(1),r(1)
ola d(1),h(1)
old d(2),h(7),k(1),t(4)
ole l(1)
olo e(1),h(3),k(1),t(2)
ols h(1)
ook q(1)
opa q(1)
opo h(1),q(1)
ora a(1),d(1),k(1),p(1)
ord h(3),s(1)
oro p(1)
osh h(1),s(1)
ota q(1)
ote q(2)
oto e(1),h(3),p(1),q(16)
oty q(1)
oyd s(1)
oyt h(1)
pad h(1)
pch a(1),d(1),o(7),y(4)
pha c(2)
phe c(1)
phh c(1)
pho c(10)
pyd o(1)
rai o(1)
rch a(1),i(1),o(4)
rii a(1)
rod a(1),i(1),o(3)
ror o(1)
ros o(1)
rsh o(1)
sai a(1),o(1)
sch o(2)
sha k(1),t(1)
she d(1),k(3),o(1),y(1)
sho d(2),k(6),l(1),o(1),p(3),r(1),t(4),y(1)
sod e(1)
ssh l(1)
tai o(3)
tal y(1)
tch c(1),h(1),o(44),y(12)
tea y(1)
tee o(3)
teo o(5)
tha c(18)
the c(14)
tho c(59)
thy c(1)
tod h(1),o(1),y(1)
tol h(1),o(2)
tsh h(1),o(2),y(2)
tyd o(2)
ych k(1),t(1)
yda h(1)
ydl t(1)
ydy d(1)
yka e(1)
yke h(1)
ysh l(1),t(1)
yto h(1),l(1),o(1)
Position from end of word: 4
ach f(1)
aii d(5),k(1),s(1)
aik d(1)
ain h(1)
air d(1),r(1),t(1)
alc d(2)
alo h(1)
aor o(1)
apc h(1)
arc h(1)
ari t(1)
aro d(1)
asa d(1)
cfh h(1)
cha s(1),t(1),y(3)
chc d(1)
chd t(1)
che d(1),k(6),l(2),n(1),o(2),p(5),s(1),t(4),y(8)
cho d(1),k(3),l(1),o(2),r(1),s(3),t(9),y(1)
cht t(1)
chy d(1),k(1)
ckh h(3),o(2),s(1)
cph h(1),y(1)
cth h(5),o(8)
dai a(2),h(1),l(4),o(38),t(1),y(9)
dal o(1)
dck l(1)
dct o(1)
dee o(2)
doa o(1)
dor o(1)
dsh o(1)
eai h(4)
ect h(1)
eee d(1),e(1),o(1),y(1)
eek h(1)
eeo h(2)
ekc h(1)
eke h(1)
ekh h(1)
eod e(1)
eoe h(1)
eol h(1)
eot h(1)
eso e(1)
eyk e(1)
fch o(1)
fho c(1)
hai c(24),f(1),k(2),p(2),s(9),t(7)
hal p(1)
har p(1)
hck c(13),s(2)
hcp s(2)
hct c(7),s(3)
hea c(3),p(1),s(1)
hee c(6),s(2)
hek c(1)
heo c(4),s(2)
hes s(1)
hkc c(2),s(1)
hke c(3)
hoa s(1),t(1)
hoc c(4),k(1)
hod c(9),f(1),s(1),t(2)
hoe c(2)
hoi c(6),s(3),t(1)
hok c(2)
hol c(5),k(1),p(1),s(4),t(1)
hop c(1)
hor c(2),s(1)
hos s(1)
hot c(3)
hoy s(1)
hpa c(1)
htc s(1)
hto c(2)
hts s(1)
hyd s(1)
hyk c(1)
hyt c(1)
ich a(1)
ict a(1)
iil a(1)
iin a(1)
iir a(1),o(1)
iod i(1)
irc i(1)
iro a(1)
kai h(4),o(17),y(5)
kal o(1)
kch e(2),h(2),o(32),y(7)
kec o(1)
kee o(4),y(1)
keo o(2),y(1)
kes o(1)
kho c(1)
khy c(1)
kod o(1)
koi o(4),y(1)
kol h(1),o(1)
kor o(1)
ksh o(5),y(1)
kyc y(1)
lai o(1)
lch a(1),o(4)
lcp o(1)
lda o(3)
loi o(1)
lol o(1)
lsh o(1)
lss d(1)
lys o(1)
lyt o(1)
oai d(1),h(2),k(3),o(1),q(4),t(2)
oar e(1)
och f(1),l(2),q(1),s(1),t(1)
ock h(3)
oct e(2),h(9),q(2)
oda f(1),h(5),q(1)
odc q(2)
odo h(1)
ods h(1)
oee p(1),q(2)
oeo t(1)
ofc h(1),q(1)
ofy h(1)
oii s(1),t(1)
oka h(2)
okc h(12),q(18),s(1),y(1)
oke q(6)
oko h(2),q(1),t(1)
oks q(2)
old d(1),e(1),h(1)
ole s(1)
olo h(2),q(1)
ooc s(1)
ooi h(1)
opc h(1),q(3)
ora s(1)
orc h(1),t(2)
oro d(1),h(2),k(1),p(1)
osc h(1)
osh k(1)
ota h(1)
otc h(3),q(20),r(1),s(1)
ote h(1),q(3)
oto h(1),q(1)
ots h(1),q(1)
oty y(1)
pch h(2),o(9),y(3)
phe c(1)
pho c(2)
phy c(1)
por o(1)
qot o(1)
rai a(1),h(1),o(4)
rch a(2),o(2)
roc o(1)
rod a(1)
rsh o(1)
sai l(1),o(1)
she d(1),k(1),l(1),t(1),y(1)
sho f(1),h(1),k(2)
sor e(1)
tai a(1),e(1),h(3),l(1),o(14),y(6)
tch d(1),h(1),l(1),o(42),y(11)
tee o(4),y(1)
teo y(1)
tha c(1)
the c(3)
tho c(8)
thr c(1)
toe o(2)
toi h(1),o(1),y(1)
tol l(1),o(1),y(2)
tsh o(3)
tyc y(1)
tys o(1)
yai h(1),s(1)
ych r(1)
yda k(1)
yde p(1)
ydy d(1)
yka h(1)
ykc d(2),h(4)
yke o(1)
yks o(1)
ypc d(1),h(2)
ysh h(1)
ytc d(2),h(2),t(1)
Position from end of word: 5
ada h(1),k(1)
aic d(1),h(1)
aii d(3)
air d(1)
alc e(1)
ara d(1)
arc d(2)
aro d(1)
cfh l(1)
cha k(1),o(1),p(2),t(2)
chc d(1)
che k(1),o(1),t(1)
cho l(1),p(3),s(1),t(2),y(2)
chy t(1)
cth h(1),o(4)
dai o(1)
dal o(1)
dch l(1)
eee d(1)
eeo t(1)
ees o(1)
eey h(1)
ekc h(1),o(1)
eoa h(1)
eoc h(1),k(1)
eol h(1)
eso e(1)
fha c(1)
fho c(1)
fod y(1)
hai c(1)
hal c(1)
hap c(1)
har c(1)
hcf c(1)
hck c(3)
hcp c(1)
hct c(3),s(2)
hda s(1)
hea c(3),s(1)
hec s(1)
hee c(2),o(1)
hek c(3)
heo c(3)
hka c(2),s(2)
hkc c(1),s(1)
hko c(1)
hoa c(2)
hoc c(9),s(3)
hod c(5),s(2)
hof c(2)
hok c(13),s(3)
hol c(3)
hoo c(1)
hop c(1)
hor c(2),s(1)
hos c(1)
hot c(4),s(3)
hpc c(2)
hra c(1)
hsh c(1)
hta c(2),s(1)
htc c(1)
hto c(1)
hya t(1)
hyk c(5)
hyp c(2)
hys s(1)
hyt c(1),s(1)
iio a(1)
iir i(1)
kch c(1),o(6)
kha c(2)
kho c(2)
koa y(1)
kor o(1)
ksh d(1),o(1)
lch o(2)
lda o(4)
ldc o(1)
loc o(1)
lsa o(1)
lsh o(1)
lta o(1)
ltc o(1)
lto o(1)
nch i(1)
och k(1),q(1)
ock h(1)
oct h(3),l(1),q(1),s(1)
oda e(3),h(17),k(1),q(4),r(1),s(1),t(1),y(1)
odc q(1)
ode h(2)
odo h(2)
ods k(1)
oii d(1)
oka h(2),k(1),l(1),q(4)
okc q(14)
oke h(3),q(2)
oko h(1),q(2)
oks h(2),q(1)
ola h(1)
olc d(2)
old k(1)
olo h(1),s(1)
ols h(1)
oly p(1)
ooa k(1)
opc h(3),q(2)
ora h(2),k(2)
oro h(1)
ors t(1)
osa q(1)
ota e(1),h(1),q(3)
otc h(1),q(16)
ote h(1),q(2)
oto q(3)
pch h(1),y(1)
pha c(4)
phe c(1)
pho c(1)
por o(1)
rai d(1)
rch o(1)
sch o(1)
sha o(1)
she k(1)
sho d(1),p(1)
tai o(1)
tar o(1)
tch o(3),y(3)
tha c(7)
tho c(5)
toa d(1),o(1)
toc o(1)
toi y(1)
tok o(1)
tor o(1)
tyt o(1)
ych d(1)
ycp p(1)
yda f(1),k(1),p(3)
yka k(1),s(1)
ykc o(1)
yke o(1)
yok t(1)
yot d(1)
ypc h(1)
yta k(1)
ytc t(1)
Position from end of word: 6
aii k(1)
cha s(1),t(1)
che p(1),s(2),t(1),y(1)
chk o(1)
cho d(1),k(2),o(1),p(3),y(1)
chr p(1)
cht y(1)
chy p(1),t(1),y(1)
dar y(1)
dra p(1)
eal h(1)
ees o(1)
eod h(3)
eot e(1)
fyd h(1)
had c(1)
hai t(1)
hct c(1)
hee c(1)
hek c(1)
heo c(2),s(1)
hoc c(3),s(1)
hod c(12),f(1),s(7),t(1)
hok c(6),s(2)
hol c(2),s(1)
hop c(2),s(1)
hor c(3)
hot c(3)
hpc c(1)
hyp c(1)
iii a(1)
inc i(1)
kad o(1)
kch y(1)
koo c(1)
kyk y(1)
kyt o(1)
lcf o(1)
lch o(1)
ldc o(1)
loc o(1)
och p(2)
oct q(1),s(1)
oda h(1),k(1)
oek q(1)
okc h(1),q(3)
olc d(1)
old d(1),f(1),h(1)
olo h(1)
olt h(1),k(1)
orc d(1)
otc k(1)
oto h(1)
oyk q(1)
pch o(1),y(1)
pyc o(1)
pyd o(2)
sch o(1)
sho t(1)
soc o(1)
tch o(3),y(2)
thy c(1)
tod e(1)
tyo o(1)
tyt o(1)
ych d(1)
Position from end of word: 7
aii d(1)
che p(1)
cho d(1),f(1),k(1),o(1),p(1)
dyc p(1)
eeo h(1)
fho c(1)
hea c(1)
heo c(2),s(1)
hfy s(1)
hod p(1)
hok s(1)
hol c(2),s(1)
hot s(1)
iin i(1)
kai s(1)
kch o(1)
och o(1)
old p(1)
olo h(1)
opc q(1)
opy h(1)
osc q(1)
otc q(2),s(1)
oty h(1)
pch o(2)
she t(1)
sho k(2),t(1)
tch o(1)
tha c(1)
tho c(1)
ych d(1)
Position from end of word: 8
che r(1)
hee c(1)
hol c(1)
hop c(1)
hot c(1)
kch o(1)
ksh o(2)
och q(1)
opc q(1)
pho c(1)
sho k(1)
Position from end of word: 9
cho t(1)
okc q(1)
Position from end of word: 10
tch o(1)
The postition markers show the position from the end of the word of the
first letter of the triplet. The list of letters that follow show the
letters that can preceed this triplet in the sample.
So at position 2 "xyz" will be the three letter EVA word ending preceeded by
a(1) or b(3) ignoring brackets etc. The number of times this letter
preceeeds the current triplet in the individual words of the text is
indicated by the number in brackets. A four letter word form is first
produced by appending one of these letters to the triplet. The we restart
scanning from the triplet immediately following the position 3 marker and
find a match for our stored triplet. Then we make another choice from the
letter list and continue onto position 4. This terminates when the current
triplet is not found in a position list or the end of the list is found.
Once a word has formed we then restart from the next unprocessed item in
position list 2. The entire process is terminated when we exhaust the
position 2 list.
The method can generate word forms not seen in the sample but found
elsewhere in the vms. I have not as yet checked to see if forward scanning
will give similar results.
All possible valid letter chains can be tested this way. I took on board
rene's comments on the linked tree method and this was the result. So yes, I
do listen!
The data is posted here so that anyone with the inclination can replicate
the results or think of any modifications that might be useful. Now there's
a way to kill several hours!
Any comments are welcome.
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