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Re: VMs: One simple question

--- Larry Roux <lroux@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> I could do the same with individual letter
> statistics. For instance, "o" starts a lot of words.
>  "y" ends a lot of words.  Let's work with that.
> o is followed often by "l".  "l" is often followed
> by "k".  "k" by "e". "e" by "d". "d" by "y".  So we
> have a word "olkedy" Does that exist? Sure does!
> So I can create words based on different rules that
> create Voy words - but they don't tell me anything
> except that I am following some set of rule
> structure that seems to be evident in the Voy
> itself.
> Does it help me solve the riddle?  Nope.  

Well, can you do the same thing as above with
English? With Latin? With German?
Even without having tried, I think we can be sure
that the answer is no.
Does it help us? 
Let's say that, by itself it's not enough to solve
the riddle, but it's an opening.

Cheers, Rene

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