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VMs: Baphomat

While this might not be accurate, another area to consider may be aspects of witchcraft found in the VMS. Poisonous plants, naked women, a salmander, astrology, baths, secret text, etc., might somehow be references to this ancient craft.
For example, could the two mysterious glyphs when combined relate to Baphomat? 
I have come across an interesting book on Witchcraft Medicine by Claudia Muller-Ebeling, Christian Ratsch, and Wolf-Dieter Storl, translated by Annabel Lee (Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont, 1998) which contains a number of references to plants used in witchcraft. The following quotes are taken from captions in this book. 
A reference to one of the plants states that "One berry (Paris quadrifolia L.) was considered one of the poisonous aconites in the early modern era. However, its legendary poisonous effects have not been confirmed by toxicology. It seems more likely that one berry has psychoactive effects; perhaps it was also an aphrodisiac. In any event, it is called "herbe true love" in England. In Germany one berry was demonized and called Teufelsauge (devil's eye)." (p.99).
It seems that eyes are important in the VMS.
Paris quadrifolia: (f05r)
Another example is "The unusual moonwort (Botrychium lunaria L.) Sw., Botchrychiaceae/Ophioglossaceae) is one of the classic witches' plants. It is said to be an ingredient in witches' salves. In the Middle Ages moonwort was used as a remedy for abscesses and wounds. A common name for the plant, which grows on mountain meadows, is Walpurgis herb. It is said to assist in finding hidden treasure." (p.135)
Botrychium vulgare, lunaria: (f94r)
"The salamander, symbol of alchemy, is one of the typical ingredients of the magic potions brewing in the witches' cauldron. The poison in the salamander's skin contains psychoactive compounds." (p.159)
A reference to baths states that "Aromatic healing herbs and sometimes whey were added to the 'May bath.' Men and women bathed together in order to chase off the melancholy of the cold seasons. Somewhat unusual was the 'love bath for two.'"(p.64)
It appears that there is quite a lot more in this book that can be found in the VMS. I am particularly interested in the plants.  
Witch's Wand:
Dana Scott