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VMs: Artificial voynich - Its time to put up !!!!
Dear Jeff,
At 02:08 04/12/2003, you wrote:
>Just in case that's not enough..... Here's some more.
Well, Jeff, I think you have probably now shown us enough
pseudo-Voynichese. I doubt whether anything more can be
gained from tweaking your 'tables' and procedure further.
It is time for you to let us all see your method for creating this
stream of characters that mimics Voynichese in some way.
Please now put it up on your website or post it in an email to
the group.
You seem often to say when asked to do this "I will try to put it
up on the net as soon as I get a bit more free time".
Well, I suggest you spend no more time at the moment on your
algorithm and instead devote that time to putting up a simple
explanation of how you produce those streams of characters,
that we can all follow !
With best wishes,
Adam McLean
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