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VMs: Re: Artificial voynich - stochastic approach possible?
> Well, Jeff, I think you have probably now shown us enough
> pseudo-Voynichese. I doubt whether anything more can be
> gained from tweaking your 'tables' and procedure further.
Could Jeff try a stochastic method?
1) The program makes a random change in his tables and produces output.
2) The output is checked for a statistic match with voynichese
3) If the random change is an improvement, then it is accepted
4) If the random change is a degradation, then a random choice is made
5) If the random choice is YES (let's say with a 10% chance) then the
change is accepted anyway
6) Is the random choice is NO (with a 90% chance) the change is
The program slowly converges to an (sub) optimal soulition and doesn't get
stuck in small local optima. This works even for NP-complete problems like
the travelling salesman. You might find more info under "simulated
I think it is worth a try. Or do you have theoretical aguments why it
couldn't work?
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