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Re: VMs: VMS generator table

I have already worked out my next moves. I will replicate every word in the
VMS automatically when I have sorted the next few steps.I already know the
way to go. I am thinking of this as a tool to further the understanding of
the VMS. It is free for anyone to use or maybe abuse.

More later......

Nick Pelling <incoming@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Hi everyone,
> >On Friday 05 December 2003 01:08, Jeff wrote:
> >Find it here http://www.georgeboolefanclub.com/vmstextgenerator.html
> Thanks for putting this up on your site, Jeff: clearly, your ideas have
> moved on from the earlier (Italian-plaintext-centric) set of tables you
> posted (and described) earlier.
> However, what would you learn about English if you tried applying the same
> methodology to that instead? I'd suggest... probably not a great deal.
> The whole point of building models is to use the process of trying them
> (on real data) to throw light on what may be driving their behaviour. For
> example, people often use dynamic / multiple regression both to forecast a
> particular share price *and* to investigate what might be leading
> indicators (for example, dollar-sterling exchange rates, OECD consumer
> confidence metrics, etc) for that company.
> Most people here who have looked at the VMs for a while will have an
> instinctive feel for what is (and what isn't) Voynichese: many will be
> to convert that 'feel' into a model (for words or letters). But what do
> of these models tell us about the VMs itself?
> Voynichese contains a viciously tricky interplay between letter-adjacency
> rules, letter-position rules, and semantic content, whereby it's hard to
> tell where one stops and the other starts. This is (I believe) why
> statistics don't help us much, as we're continually measuring intermediate
> data, not final language data.
> What, then, is the answer? The first step might well be to stop hoping
> the VMs is a simply (sequentially) enciphered raw European plaintext -
> there appears to be little or no evidence to support this view. What seems
> far more likely is that its plaintext is a shorthand or private language,
> one probably based on a well-known European language (and furthermore
> probably Italian, Latin, or (say) Provencal), which is then enciphered in
> some steganographically non-obvious way.
> I see this as more akin to Navajo encoding (sending a message via a
> language) than to the Enigma machine (a computationally complex
> process). Always ask - how could someone have achieved this 500 years ago?
> If it's not an obviously polyalphabetic cipher (and in fact the stats are
> all wrong for that), then it *has* to be simpler than you think (to quote
> Steve E).
> The second step is to try to work out what constitutes a single letter in
> the language/cipher. Many of the ciphers in the Milanese cipher ledger use
> pairs of letters to code for single plaintext letters, so this is quite
> reasonable. "qo"? "dy"? "ol"? "or"? "od"? "ii"? "ee"? "eee"? etc. But
> really, using EVA as the basis for your code is building on sand. What do
> you see when you look at the page itself?
> The third step... well, to be honest I'm still working on the second step.
> The main thing to notice is that, in our quest to understand the VMs,
> statistics have yet to help us significantly (for example, we can't even
> say if it's a hoax or a code based on statistical evidence). Whatever the
> 'trick' to the VMs, it's an intensely "stats-unfriendly" one - so relying
> on just one set of stats (as you do) is highly unlikely to move you
> either.
> Anyway, some stuff to think about as you plan your next move. :-)
> Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....
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