I see that we need to make a timeline for VMS related cryptography along the lines of http://web.bham.ac.uk/G.Landini/evmt/vtimel.htm Th discussion is getting a bit muddy, but the question is stil clear:
What was the common level of cryptography around the time we think the VMS was written?
Which might be: - between 1400 -1500 if straight encrytion is assumed (based on the illustrations) - between 1500 -1600 if we assume a hoax by Kelly
I was wondering how a Fourier Transform of the VMS would look like on a "per character" basis. So a FFT of the VMS where <a = 1> and <every other character = 0>. And then for every character or combination like <iin>. This might show the difference between real characters and nulls. I've been looking for FFT programs, but found only some that do a FFT of a .wav file. An Excel macro would be ideal but I had no luck with finding that that either.
But probably this has been tried already somewhere in the VMS archives?
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