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VMs: T-maps later than thought?

Greetings everyone,

Lately the presumed existance of T-maps in the VM has been interpreted as a 
hint to a fairly early creation date of the VM, saying that the T-maps had 
fallen out of use around 1400.

Funny enough, yesterday I went through an exhibition and saw a manuscript from 
1385 with a zodiac circle and the earth in the center -- where the earth was 
not represented by a T-map, but as a bisectional circle with the top half 
representing the skies, and the lower half representing the oceans. (No 
continents here.)

So there might be a chance that what we see in the VM is not a "traditional" T-
map (Europe, Africa, Asia), but a "modernist" one (Skies, ocean, continents). 
(This assumes a further development of the two-segment circle I have seen into 
a three-segment symbol.)



P.S.: Oh yeah, and Scorpio in the zodiac was represented by a four-legged 
critter which looked more like a turtle to me. Just to put the artist's 
credibility into perspective...

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