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Re: VMs: T-maps later than thought?

"P.S.: Oh yeah, and Scorpio in the zodiac was represented by a four-legged 
critter which looked more like a turtle to me. Just to put the artist's 
credibility into perspective..."

The zodiac symbols have been represented by many creatures over time.  You can see this in Tarot cards as well, as their images utilize Astrological signs.  The Crayfish, Turtle, and other beasts have appeared at one time or other.  And that is just in the European texts.  Of course, there are many more if you include the Asian stuff....

Larry Roux
Syracuse University

>>> elvogt@xxxxxxxxxxx 02/09/04 09:03AM >>>

Greetings everyone,

Lately the presumed existance of T-maps in the VM has been interpreted as a 
hint to a fairly early creation date of the VM, saying that the T-maps had 
fallen out of use around 1400.

Funny enough, yesterday I went through an exhibition and saw a manuscript from 
1385 with a zodiac circle and the earth in the center -- where the earth was 
not represented by a T-map, but as a bisectional circle with the top half 
representing the skies, and the lower half representing the oceans. (No 
continents here.)

So there might be a chance that what we see in the VM is not a "traditional" T-
map (Europe, Africa, Asia), but a "modernist" one (Skies, ocean, continents). 
(This assumes a further development of the two-segment circle I have seen into 
a three-segment symbol.)



P.S.: Oh yeah, and Scorpio in the zodiac was represented by a four-legged 
critter which looked more like a turtle to me. Just to put the artist's 
credibility into perspective...

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