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VMs: Re: The Why's of Decryption

> Jon Jotted;

> Ok this is slightly off topic, but I was wondering
> what everyone's personal motives were for de-crypting
> the VMs? Is the challange, is it the glory, or is it
> wanting to solve the unknown?

Barbara Blithers,
Sheer bloody anoyance there was a writing system I couldn't master, and
which epigraphers (who slaver at other undeciphered scripts like the Indus
etc) seemed to be ignoring. Yet the fact that some of the best ever
cryptographers couldn't crack it is strong evidence it's a unique writing

If it turns out, as most of this list and allmost all past investigators
believe, to be an encription of some form I shall loose interest.


PS. To make my position about writing systems more plausable to folk, once I
get my own website up and running this summer, I'll be posting a PDF in a
unique writing system I devised and issuing a challange, and maybe a small
prize. I believe it is indecipherable by any cryptographic method. Failure
on the part of cryptographers to crack it will not prove that the vms is a
writing system but it will make my contention more plausable to those who're
dismissive of it. Their success (which I doubt) would have consequences
beyond the vms world for their methods could be applied to other
undeciphered scripts too.

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