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Re: VMs: Re: "Running code" -- I hope not...

Jeff wrote:
What about a running code amalgamated with Jon Grove's VMS generator. Now
that might fly!


How would that work? I googled the web, but found only two entries regarding this beast. I don't think I heard about it before.


Elmar Vogt / Königswarterstr. 18 / 90762 Fürth / GERMANY
elvogt@xxxxxxxxxxx / Tel.: (++49/0)911 - 31 52 58
Agilmar von Sevelingen: VIS VISCERIS NON FERRE FERTUR (T.Doom)

"Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious." (Oscar Wilde, attrib.)

"I come from a country where being liberal is a virtue, and patriots are
viewed warily. YMMV."

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