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Re: VMs: Re: The latest on Kennedy & Churchill's book...

Hi everyone,

At 22:13 25/02/2004 +0100, J.Siemons wrote:
I'm very interested what Kennedy and Churchill have to say more than we
already know......

I'm pretty sure Gerry Kennedy has collected a lot on WMV's family (after all, it's his family too)... but that may not be particularly helpful. Also, the last time I spoke to both authors, they certainly knew a handful of "off-off-Broadway" VMs researchers we didn't seem to know of. For example, one woman was convinced it was mirrored High German (it isn't), and another man was equally convinced from his research at the British Library that it was a Kelly hoax (it wasn't): so that may not be particularly helpful either. We shall see... :-o

Gonna buy that book immediatly!

I hope that their book is a good read and proves to be a good ambassador for Voynichology: nonetheless, I'd be (extremely pleasantly!) surprised if K & C prove to be even half as authoritative, credible and open-minded as the most excellent Mary D'Imperio (probably their nearest "rival"). :-o

"If you can't beat it, sell it"

Who says we can't beat it? ;-)

Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....

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