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Re: VMs: Blanks
Nick Pelling wrote:
One might just as well ask "why are many labels so unreasonably short?"
In normal documents, it is not unusual to label things with short
identifiers, like "A" or "Fig. 1".
Perhaps the VM labels are coded versions of such short identifiers. If
so, it might be fruitful to compare sequences of labels looking for some
pattern which could shed light on the coding technique.
That is, if the first, second, third etc. label in a sequence stood for
identifiers "A", "B", "C" (not the actual letters, of course), then the
features that a group of "first labels" or "second labels" had in common
could correspond to the underlying identifier, while features which
varied widely would represent "window dressing".
That is (to give a trivial example), if one sequence of labels were
"Able", "Baker", "Charlie", another "Apple", "Boxwood", "Cherry", and a
third "Ape", "Bear", "Cow", comparison would reveal that the initial
letter represented the identifier and the rest of the word obfuscation.
(It's probably not that simple, of course, but you get the idea.)
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