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Re: VMs: Blanks: trying to summarize...

 From: Maurizio M. Gavioli <mmg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
<snip most> 
 Not to mention the 'unrealistic' repetitions of words!
"'unrealistic' repetitions of words!"  ~MELD fluidly~ with the words 
IF the repeated words are (backPAGE(s)) or forePAGE(s) _pointers_?... 

That is daiin (or 8am 8am 8am) TURN BACK (forward?) 3 page KEYS etc.

[see mirror]

keys in the above 8am are to the ref'd 8 (Original) KEY pages..

ps. _Pam_ is about to join in the list here (hope it's good) :-)

best to you & yours
steve (time to plant my garden seeds :-) ekwall :-)

p.s. oddly this WHOLE THING (any language), can be put on a single 
piece of FOLDED paper (x2 for its mirror), or even drawn in the sand 
using the TTT (tic.tack.toe form) 4 seperate times.

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