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Re: VMs: VMS, languages and Jacobus signature
I'm not sure how much analyzing romanized Chinese text will tell you.
For example, it seems like analyzing the same text in different
romanization schemes (say pinyin and Wade-Giles) would give you
radically different results.
Also, romanization would obscure the fact that Chinese has only a small
number of syllables (about 500 I think) into each of which many
different characters are mapped.
Marcio wrote:
I am running some text analysis on the VMS. The analysis currently also
includes texts from English, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin. I want to use
other languages like Chinese, so here is a question:
Are Chinese texts in a romanized transcription available somewhere ? (I could
only find texts in BIG5, which is no big deal, but it is easier to work with
plain ASCII).
On another subject, I have seen many references to Jacobus signature on the
first page, but has anyone *actually* seen it ? Or is it the kind of "urban
legend" that is told on and on ? It would be great if anyone could provide a
scanned image or UV photo that shows the signature, as well as images of
other works where the same signature allegedly appears.
PS: is the Cryptologia edition with Gordon's paper out ? Anyone read it ?
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