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VMs: VMS, languages and Jacobus signature
I am running some text analysis on the VMS. The analysis currently also
includes texts from English, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin. I want to use
other languages like Chinese, so here is a question:
Are Chinese texts in a romanized transcription available somewhere ? (I could
only find texts in BIG5, which is no big deal, but it is easier to work with
plain ASCII).
On another subject, I have seen many references to Jacobus signature on the
first page, but has anyone *actually* seen it ? Or is it the kind of "urban
legend" that is told on and on ? It would be great if anyone could provide a
scanned image or UV photo that shows the signature, as well as images of
other works where the same signature allegedly appears.
PS: is the Cryptologia edition with Gordon's paper out ? Anyone read it ?
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