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Re: Cont. of VMs: Books on Czech cryptography

Hi Anthony,

> Thank you, Rafal; unfortunately my incoming mail system just uses simple
> plain text (Pop3 Scan Mailbox) and doesn't know anything about this sort
> of thing, which is why I asked. It has no facilities for character sets,
> only what I believe is ordinary ASCII. I tried cutting and pasting these
> UTF-8 messages into my outgoing mail SMTP utility but they still come
> out as random text. I have never previously encountered an incoming e-
> mail which couldn't be read as basic plain text.

Sounds strange indeed - UTF-8 *is* plain text ordinary ASCII,
only the characters beyond 128 are represented by two or more
bytes. So what you should see should be Latin text with occassional
doubles or triplets of "foreign" characters.

> I see that Josef's message header has the lines
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Content-Disposition: inline
> and yours has
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> So they both say UTF-8 but I can read yours but not his. Is this
> relevant?

Hmm... probably - but I admit I don't know what "inline" means
and why my message is encoded as "7bit". Can you see
this character "ż" as "z" with dot above? Just curious
(and off-topic).

Best regards,

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