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Re: VMs: Odd Thoughts
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 20:16:06 -0600
From: Dennis <tsalagi@xxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: VOYNICH-L <vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: VMs: Odd Thoughts
Gabriel posed two alternatives for the entropy of
1) The system is verbose. This would be inconsistent
with the word length. Possible explanations: The words
are actually syllables of the plaintext language. The
plaintext language is comprised of short base words
that combine into larger units, like Chinese may be.
2) The system is lossy. This would be the case with
Nick's "aggressive abbreviation".
-=se=-> snip..
My dictionary seems quite small with lack of " Lossy+ " all i can
on-line is electrical ,(related), as in a filter, or a diode.
something that cause reductions of flow??? - correct?~
What does the term "lossy" mean regarding the vms?????
<-=se=- end snip..
Are these the only alternatives? Rene's study "The
VMs: From Character Entropy to Word Entropy" says it
might not be. Neither alternative seems consistent
with the large number of Voynichese words - although a
small number of words make up much of the text.
-=se=-> _another alternative_ is to FOLD your ANSWER KEY (smiles)
The 'VMS System is eloquent' !
Its characters verily ~sing~ with positioning(s) on its key(s)/&
(but you must be ready to see the (its) MIRROR alphanemeric set)
this produces the _low entropy seen_, but is not as ODD as it seems
if you FLIP (mirror) your key per gallows character.. I didn't know
he threw out the 1st line in each paragraph.. per the FOLD Technique
that would drive you to never.never land (as intended by author) :-)
1st gallow (in 1st line) of each paragraph (ESPECIALLY PAGE START)..
THEY'RE : CRITICAL for the ~FoLdInG / DeCoDiNg~ placement of
hope that makes sense :'?
steve (good luck to all) ekwall
p.s. IT"S S I M P L E R Than You Think :-)))))))))))))
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