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Re: VMs: Initial gallows

<laughing out loud>  I am not implying you ignore them, just that they are not part of the word.  But then I also thought I could figure this thing out in short order too.....as we all have felt....and we see where that went!

Larry Roux
Syracuse University

>>> jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 03/27/04 10:35PM >>>

Larry Roux LRoux@xxxxxxx wrote
on 27 March 2004 23:24

> My theory is that line initial gallows are breaks - sentence and paragraph
or idea breaks.  Or they are encryption/table scheme changes.  They should
not be considered part of the word.  The first word on f1r "fachys" should
be considered "f" (start) "achys"
> Of course, this is my opinion....(but I am right <grin>)...
> I am now leaning towards all gallows being separate - ie cphody would
really be "p" chody - just put together for ornamentation purposes, but that
is due to a few examples and gut guessing.

My GOD! But if you ignore _GALLOWS_ how could you _fLiP and _FOLD_. Sorry
STeve I'M IN a StRaNgE mood tonite.


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