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VMS: Circles (?VMs: Seeress of Prevorst?)
On Tue, 30 Mar 2004 at 23:07:52 +0200
Re. VMs: Seeress of Prevorst
Elmar wrote:
Well, it's a circle for sure...
On f57v, two circles can be defined by six-pointed stars
circumscribed by the outer circle. That could be attributable to the
templates that were available at the local office supply but it got
me interested.
How were circles drawn? I read some discussion about that but could
not find a conclusion. I am guessing it was done with a set of round
protractors, notched to the center. Something that could be rotated
to mark the vellum would be better. Envision a lead bowl with a hole
in a depressed center and two short handlebars (patent pending).
The posture of the arms of the nymphs on f57v look suspiciously
contrived. I placed dots on their shoulders, elbows, and hands. One
appears to be holding something the size of a tennis ball so I put a
dot there, too. Then I extended lines from rows of dots and connected
various points I thought might be significant. Some lines did
intersect at the outer circumference, at various other existing
lines, and with each other. Most did nothing I could construe as
auspicious. More imagination, more points, and a broader pen might
do the trick. Seriously, though, a lot of effort could be spent if
one assumes that the freehand figures have points of reference even
though the overall appearances and positions are asymmetrical.
Has anyone discovered anything by drawing lines on the pages?
Ciao .............. Knox
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