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Re: VMs: Folio and Quire numbers

Has anyone considered the idea that the pages may have been mixed up on
purpose by the author?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rene Zandbergen" <r_zandbergen@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 30 March 2004 21:04
Subject: Re: VMs: Folio and Quire numbers

> --- mmand <mmand@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > It is interesting that quire numbers (available at
> > http://www.voynichinfo.com/quires/quire_marks.html)
> > make
> > sense as latin abbreviations of ordinal numbers.
> There are two additional observations on the quire
> numbering that interest me. They're both related
> to the questions whether the pages are in the
> order in which they were intended to be, and whether
> the quire marks were written 'early'.
> Observation 1 is that the quire numbers tend to
> be on the reverse of the last folio in the quire,
> *with a few exceptions*. And in some of those cases
> it would not be possible to re-fold the bifolio
> such that the quire mark would end up in the
> nominal place. John Grove has written on this
> topic before.
> Observation 2 is that in the first part of the MS
> which is mixed language-A and language-B, the
> quire numbers also appear on the B-language
> pages.
> Now one hypothesis is that the pages are currently
> not in the correct order. For example, the B-language
> herbal pages got mixed up with the A-language
> herbal pages. Also, there are a few herbal pages
> near the end of the MS, far away from the rest
> of the herbal section.
> If that is true, then the quire numbers must have
> been added after all pages were completed and after
> this mix-up.
> To me that doesn't make much sense.
> I haven't yet been able to come up with a consistent
> explanation for when exactly the quire numbers
> would have been written.
> Cheers, Rene
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