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Re: RE: VMs: Split gallows

Hello John,  
you wrote: =======

>	f68r1 (sun over moon star chart) has a split gallows landing on a 'ch'. If
>it was decorative - why would it be that particular star that is to the
>right side three stars from the bottom of the page.
 As for decoration, we can see teh similar for one-legged gallows elsewhere, in rather random places. 
By "decorative"  I  did not mean that the split gallows are for decoration only :-), but that the 
SPLIT is mainly ornamental, not having any other function. In  your particular star, the ornament  is 
actually having the double loop in the middle (looking like "8") which we would probably both agree 
has no other hidden sense and was only inserted for embellishment. As for symbol itself (without that 
double loop) , there are   5 possibilities how to "read"  the split:

1) it is  a strange way to write "cth" (per EVA) in the FIRST position of the word  (strange, since it is 
rather different than cth shown in EVA)
2)  it is  a strange way to write cth  in the SIXTH position of the word 
3)   it is  a strange way to write cth   in both FIRST  and  SIXTH position of the word  (using only one symbol instead of two) 
4) it is a completely new character, different from cth (with similar usage as 1, 2 or 3 above)
5) it has some  other meaning - I just cannot imagine what :-)

>	Then, f68r2 (moon over sun star chart) has a split gallows as the top left
>star also landing on a 'ch'.   

Well, it is not even touching that  "ch" -  so is it cth  or t...ch?   I do not want to be nitpicking, but the possibility is there.


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