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VMs: trivia

Signs of EVA's popularity as judged by Google.

about 4,570 hits for daiin.

about 1,460 hits for qokeedy .OR. qoteedy

>From a quote somewhere on the web:
"The results of a Google search for `Voynich Manuscript' 
(approximately 2,130 hits as of 11 October 2000)".

Now (6/27/2004) I find ...
about 22,300 hits for "voynich manuscript".

(This is about) the ability of a 31-yr-old man to reverse the order 
of segments within words so quickly that the simultaneous translation 
of forward speech into reversed speech was possible.

Several similar items at:


The author of the VMS might have had a special linguistic skill but, 
if so,  I am at a loss as to what it might have been.

On my recent post

	Subject:	Re: VMs: Making a vms with meaning (long)
	Date sent:	Sun, 27 Jun 2004 13:17:02 -0500

(1) What class of ciphers has letter sequences that, with a fair 
degree of probability, can be substituted in such a way that the new 
text is almost pronounceable even without using all the vowels 

I was thinking of EVA. Although there is a "u" for one of the VMS 
glyphs it does not occur with the frequency of a vowel. Additionally, 
a nod was given to choosing Latin letters with some resemblance to 
the VMS glyphs. Seems strange to me.

Ciao .......... Knox
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