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Re: Re: Re: VMs: Gordon Rugg in Scientific American

Hello Jeff,  
you wrote:

  >What would be better would be to work on Jon (without the h) Grove's vms
>text generator algorithm. With his permission, of course. In it's last known
>form it mimmicked the vms text quite well. That would be a better challenge
>to Gordon's claims.

I agree with your proposal - my suggestion  of that particular challenge was only hypothetical, 
just to stress how vague and  unsubstantiated Gordon Ruggs claims are. Rest assured he would 
not accept such acid test anyway :-).  What is real however is the damage the article did: as you 
may know, we are trying to do some research in Prague and we need assistants. Recently, I 
encountered several mails with answers such as "Why, it was already proven the VM is a 
hoax!", mainly from people who never heard  about the VM before the latest publicity stunt and do not know any better. Unfortunately, I could not use any official statement saying otherwise - it would have been a real help. 
 I had to  convince them that even scientific magazine may sometimes publish wishful 
dreams without sufficient proof. But the harm  is done already, "hoax" publicity is spreading quickly and can cause us quite a setback in our field work where we need people who would trust us.  



======= At 2004-06-29, 02:48:00 you wrote: =======

>What do you think Jon?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Jan" <hurychj@xxxxxxxxx>
>To: <vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: 28 June 2004 18:00
>Subject: Re: Re: VMs: Gordon Rugg in Scientific American
>> Hello Nick,
>> well, it looks like Gordon Rugg has thrown some challenge in our face -
>why don't we return it
>> back? Imagine publishing  10 different texts encrypted each by DIFFERENT
>Cardan grille, the
>> original texts being in the same language, but only one of them being a
>fraud (I do not exactly
>> understand what he means by fraud:  the "non-sensical original" or
>something worse? :-).  If he
>> can determine which text it  is, he certainly can make a point.
>> No I am not expert on Cardan grille  - so  it may  be still easy for him,
>but to make  it more
>> complicated, we may use different language for each text or combination of
>two grills and what not. Or we may even try to simulate the VM structure.
>This e-mail conference may chose a group of experts for the job and the
>posting of challenge  should be done in some well known publication. Do you
>think he will be a game?
>> Jan
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