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RE: Evolution - was VMs: Inks and retouching
On Sun, 1 Aug 2004, John Grove wrote:
> The basic pairs as I've seen them are: r and s,n and b, d and j, y and
> l, m and g. The 'o' is a stand-alone - unless perhaps 'a' is a reversed
> 'i-version of an o' -naaah, I don't think so.
Graphically that makes the most sense, I guess. I suppose that in order
to keep the i and e (or c) base characters in consistent order, these
pairs should be given as r s, n b, j d, l y, and m g?
If o is distinct from b, then I am puzzled that there are so many e+o
(using + as '1 or more of') examples and so few e+b examples. It's not so
much the feweness of the b's, but the numerousness of the o's, of course.
> I've also thought that the t and p could be built along the same lines
> with the '4' being similar to the 'q' (or a c-stroke starter) while the
> k and f are the corresponding i-stroke set.
The t and k seem to have have the m g ending; the p and f seem to have the
j d ending.
> I've considered a syllabary before to no avail, but certainly see the
> potential when there are a few standard end-ligatures. One doesn't need to
> have 'five' vowels either. Some syllabaries may have only had 3 or 4.
Agreed. It depends on the language and on the extent to which the script
matches it. I'm looking for 5 vowels only with the presumption that the
script encodes an orthography based on a Latin script, rather than a
strict phonemic analysis.
> John, you've also fallen on one of the split-gallows words which
> have been problematic in any transliteration system and are often
> discarded as pure embellishment (I still have my doubts on that).
> Split-gallows are quite as rare as many of the weirdo's.
It seems, if anything, that it should say something essential about the
nature of the gallows construct. For some reason I thought of superscript
letters in abbreviations, though I doubt that could be right. It does
seem like some sort of scope relationship - the embedded graphs are within
the domain of the t in some fashion.
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