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Re: VMs: Re: Who got ...?
--- Mart Vabar <mesinik@xxxxxx> wrote:
> > [Rene}: Now, there are various letters
> > referring to it
> > from different authors, written between 1637 and
> > 1667. This pushes the earliest date of the MS
> well, I would like it to be so.
> but in fact I have to confess, I am pretty
> suspicious.
> first, I am suspicious about V himself.
> he could be a seller for a crime ring, which
> traded couterfeit and stolen stuff. I am not
> saying, he was. I think, he could easily be.
> For such a highly proffessional ring, some letters
> in XVIIc style could be not a problem at all.
> second, I am susmpicious about many of these
> references.
> They could tell about VMS ... and they could not.
Well, to make a complete story out of it, you will
need to explain all of the evidence. It will turn
out that you need to show that some of the letters
are fake and some others are real but refer to
another mysterious manuscript. Once you have seen
the existing pages of the Kircher correspondence,
it will be more difficult to maintain your theory.
Here are some of the facts:
- G.Baresch lived and was a good friend of Marci.
Baresch left Marci his alchemical collections and
library. This is from a book printed in 1662
with copies 'all over the world'.'
- Kircher had his correspondence bound in books.
This is known from De Sepi's printed catalogue
from 1678.
- Kircher's correspondence had disappeared from
sight between at least 1873 and the start
of the 20th Century.
- Kircher's corresponcence exists in Rome. It has
a paper note attached to it: from the private
library of P.beckx. It had originally 12 volumes
(from the handwritten table of contents) which
have been rebound into 14 volumes (2 had grown
too large, the index covers 2 vols. each).
- The letters referring to the Voynich MS are in
two different volumes, and are consistently
entered in the index between other letters.
The index pages referring to the Baresch and Kinner
letters are Vol.557, f4v and Vol.562, f2r
Now either, the Kircher correspondence has been
messed around with completely (in order to insert
fake letters, also in the index), or the letters
are real and refer to another book.
You have to take it from there, but to me
neither options make sense.
Some considerations:
- The Marci letter in the Voynich MS, in your
scenario, has to be a fake. A faker could only
write it if he had a lot of access to the Kircher
correspondence, which at that time was
in the hidden collection of the Collegio Romano.
- I can assure you, the Kircher correspondence,
if someone like your suspects had access to it,
would have been sold for a _lot_ of money.
- To do all this work on the Kircher correspondence
just to create traces to the Voynich MS (traces
which were not available to anyone until about
the 1960's) is an unreasonable overkill. They
were completely unnecessary.
So, it is OK to be suspicious, but you will have
a lot of explaining to do :-)
Mind you, we never found out _how_ Voynich managed
to get into the Mondragone, but if you keep digging
enough, who knows, you may find something.
Cheers, Rene
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