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Re: VMs: Re: Moot points, getting long

--- GC <gc-@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

(Too much for my mail tool to quote) :-/

A few things:

Yes, I can see the differences between some
plumes of <sh> (where <sh> is nothing else than
Currier Z). I can also see variations in essentially
all letters in the VMs. In particular Eva-A.
Look at the first word (fachys) and how sure
can one be that this a is actually an a?
What about the following 'ch' ?
Gabriel already listed many other letters of which
one can see variations. 

This is what I meant with making decisions. This
is unrelated to the fundamentals of the 
transcription alphabet being used. In any
system you have to decide which set of
squiggles belong to each individual transcription
symbol (or pair or triplet or...).

You have made your decisions. That is fully
appreciated and fully acceptable. It is even 
admirable that you have decided to use it to
transcribe the entire MS. 

Frogguy made his transcription alphabet in a 
few iterations. He made his decisions in a 
different way than you and me, and it is
(at least) equally acceptable to me.

I cannot really accept that you appear to place
yourself at a higher level and judge his effort 
as 'close but not quite'.

Anyway, I am still convinced that all the
long discussions past and present break down
to a basic fundamental difference in 
understanding of the word 'transcription'.

1) You prefer to have every unit of meaning 
   (glyph or whatever) in the VMs to be
   represented by a single unit in the
   transcription alphabet.
2) I say it's a good idea but we really don't
   know where to draw the line.
3) You say you have looked very closely and you
4) I don't believe it. (yes, for sure you looked
   very closely but I won't buy that you know it).

I think that, in the past, we once agreed to 
disagree along the above lines, and I am
happy to keep it that way and not write too
many long E-mails.

Cheers, Rene

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