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Re: VMs: Re: Re: Inks and retouching

--- Jeff <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Rene I hope you didn't get the impression that I
> included you in that. It
> would not be worth dredging over old ground. I was
> simply stating my view.

Well, when I read something (by anyone, I don't
mean you in particular) that I find hard to
believe or rather unsubstantiated, I will 
sometimes write a reply along those lines. And
so do others. I am not aware of any censorship.
If an idea proposed on the list does not catch
on, it is the result of everybody having his own
And don't forget, some of the truly great 
observations about the VMs have gone without
a great amount of response on the list, but are
nonetheless more or less accepted.

> Come back when you have something we
> can disprove." 

Well, it is fair that people ask for evidence.
Now if the Voynich MS was only discovered last
month, the probability that any new idea would
indeed be new and lead to the solution, would be
a lot higher than it is now. Those who have been
playing with the MS for some time now have
gotten used to that. For relative newcomers it
has to be a bit of a disappointment that when
people start looking at evidence, it is usually
possible to find some problems with it, and
this problem is not always understood or
accepted by the poster.

The VMs poses many problems, but I think two
supposed problems are not really among them:

1) I don't think that it is at all difficult to
   find a potential provenance of the MS and a
   path how it got to Prague during (or after)
   Rudolf's times, including finding lots of
   evidence inside the MS that would support it.
Thus, coming up with such a scheme does not mean
that it is at all likely to be true. 

2) Nowadays, with out understanding of statistics
   and fast computing tools, it is not particularly
   difficult to come up with text that has *some*
   properties *more or less* similar with the VMs
Thus, coming up with such a scheme, even if it is
a relatively simple one, does not mean that there
is any particular likelihood that it is correct. 

Mind you, nobody has yet come up with a scheme
that gets really close to the Voyinch MS text
and I still believe that this is potentially the
way the solution could be found.

Cheers, Rene

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