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Re: VMs: Is there a plain best-guess transcription?

On Sunday 08 August 2004 16:18, Dennis S. wrote:
> Pierre Abbat writes:
> >Is there a file containing just the Voynichese, with a best guess where
> > the transcriptions differ?
>    You can take the transcription file, select the majority vote version,
> and produce a file with just the Voynichese, using VTT:
> http://www.geocities.com/ctesibos/hampton/tools/vtt.zip

I tried it and it doesn't work. First I tried the executable VTT, but it's 
compiled for a Sparc. Then I tried "gcc -o vtt VTT.C" and got a whole bunch 
of errors. It took the file to be C++. So I renamed it to vtt.c and tried 
again, and got a binary. I ran it with the options -c1 -f1 -p1 -s1 -tH -u1 
and got no output. (There is no majority vote version.) I ran it with no 
options, which is supposed to output the entire file, and it output the first 
73728 bytes, which ends with "N/10 is the width of the last". What's wrong?

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