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Re: VMs: Is there a plain best-guess transcription?
--- Pierre Abbat <phma@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I tried it and it doesn't work. First I tried the
> executable VTT, but it's
> compiled for a Sparc. Then I tried "gcc -o vtt
> VTT.C" and got a whole bunch
> of errors. It took the file to be C++. So I renamed
> it to vtt.c and tried
> again, and got a binary. I ran it with the options
> -c1 -f1 -p1 -s1 -tH -u1
> and got no output. (There is no majority vote
> version.) I ran it with no
> options, which is supposed to output the entire
> file, and it output the first
> 73728 bytes, which ends with "N/10 is the width of
> the last". What's wrong?
This is going back a while :-)
There are two potential problems:
- a known bug in the source, where a character
variable is initialised in such a way that some
compilers will treat it as a constant (If I recall
correctly). This might be the cause of the second
- the format of the interlinear at Stolfi's site
is no longer exactly according to the definition
when VTT was written. This might be why it does
not find any particular transcription (e.g. H).
By the way, there should be one DOS executable
in the zip file which you should be able to use
I think that a VTT compatible with the interlinear
also exists. Best to discuss this off-list.
Cheers, Rene
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