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Re: VMs: A cryptological assault on Strong's decryption...
Hi Elmar,
At 17:49 13/08/2004 +0200, Elmar Vogt wrogt:
In a nutshell: You prepare a number of subtitution alphabets, calling them
"1", "3", "5" etc. For every word, I encode my letters according to the
current alphabet. At every half-space, I proceed to use the next alphabet
in the "135797531474" sequence.
Just about right: perhaps simpler not to worry about the concept of "word"
and say "encode your letters according to the current alphabet indicated in
the sequence, but at every [half-]space click the pointer within the
sequence forward by one position".
I'd guess that GC would probably claim that (on Herbal pages, at least) the
number of distinct elements in the image is supposed to "seed" the initial
position in the magic key sequence: but I think it's far safer to do a
brute-force cryptological search, just in case the encoder happened to get
it wrong on that page. :-o
(I'm not quite sure if "1", "3", "5" etc. are supposed to be randomly
scrambled substitution ciphers, or if it's supposed to be a regular
subsitution of "move 1/3/5 ... characters forward in the alphabet to reach
the corresponding code letter from the plaintext letter." -- And wouldn't
the latter be equivalent to a Vigenere cipher?)
AIUI, Strong's magic key corresponds to a 12-cycle sequence of six
independent (ie unshifted) alphabets (although, as with any undisclosed
cipher claim, I could well be wrong). Strong noted that he had not
determined the contents of all the alphabets, so one can only reasonably
conclude that this was not a Vigenere-style (single alphabet with a cyclic
permutation) system.
In any case... I'd expect such a system to arrive at a much more uniform
and pseudo-random ciphertext than we actually observe. Not to mention the
sequences of similar and identical words.
It doesn't tally with what I'd expect either, but that doesn't mean that
you shouldn't try to follow it through (as GC has done) to see if it
produces the kind of cleartext Strong claimed. I think the first step,
however, would be to see if you can see the statistical signature of
alphabet 7 in action...
Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....
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