1-------1--- // +0, +8 // gaps of +8 and +4
-3-----3---- // +1, +7 // gaps of +6 and +6
--5---5----- // +2, +6 // gaps of +4 and +8
---7-7----7- // +3, +5, +10 // gaps of +2, +5, and +5
----9------- // +4 // gap of +12
---------4-4 // +9, +11 // gaps of +2 and +10
Are six alphabets the only possible way to arrive at the above
Could they also be the result of looking at a four-square type cipher or
something? (I honestly don't know - I'm asking). If those patterns were to
be identifiable in a ciphertext - is a six-alphabet solution the only match?
The fact that they step through 12 cycles and have an apparent set of gaps
that indicate that six alphabets exist is interesting, but I'm just
wondering if other types of ciphers could produce the same kind of pattern.