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Re: Re: VMs: Criteria for a successful solution

  Hello Elmar, 

======= At 2004-08-16, 15:24:00 you wrote: =======

>If the VM is only gibberish, it's obviously impossible to prove this fact, and 
>there simply is no solution.

But that is exactly what Gord Rugg wants to prove. Of course, he can show  that with his method, 
a) by taking some gibberish, he gets VM look-alike text, 
but I doubt if he can also prove  that
b) with the same method, but  sensible plaintext, he will NOT get VM look-alike text, in  order to show  it works only on gibberish :-). 
So he  may even  find the VM look-alike encoding, but still cannot prove (this way) there is no plaintext.  

By the way,  point a) can be very easily re-ingeneered: take VM transctript, use certain combinations  of
Cardan grills and -  voilá - you get certain gibberish. Now take that giberish, reverse the proces and you get  - voilá  -   the VM transcript look-alike ( I allow for some mistakes in the process :-).  Unfortunately, we only started with gibberish look-alike, not the true gibberish. So nothing to "brugg" about, until we understand how his rules are really creating the VM look-alike :-).   


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