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Re: VMs: Ways to generate voynichese-like text

Zitat von Brett Cotton <xzvxcvczcv@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Marianna,
> I like the idea that you describe on your web page, but I don't quite see how
> you get the mapping from 'etiam' to 'FTC8CCC, etc' I could get the first
> couple of letters from the fourth of your smaller tables but got a bit lost
> after that.
> Could you give another example?
> Cheers,
> Brett

If I understand Marianna --

Every plaintext letter is represented by a VM word, and each word is made up of 
an optional prefix, an optional gallows character, and the "stem" (A, T, Is and 

The gallows (F, D, H, P in Friedman) tell you which of the four tables to use 
for the upcoming letters.

The prefixes 40, 0, and 8 indicate which row of the table is used. (No prefix = 
use top row.)

The rest of the word determins the columns from which you take your letter -- 
it's obvious for T and A, but to use eg the third column with a C header, you 
have to write three "C"s, for the second "C" column you write only "CC", etc.

Every plaintext letter is represented by a VM word, and each word is made up of 
an optional prefix, an optional gallows character, and the "stem" (A, T, Is and 

At least, that's what I make of it. It would amount to one VM word per 
plaintext letter.



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