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Re: VMs: A very important discovery!!

--- elvogt@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> IIRC, virtually every paragraph of text begins with
> one of the four gallows -- 
> to note the most striking peculiarity. To me, this
> seems to be not proof, but a 
> hint that they serve a function as control
> characters.

The control function could just be: here is the
start of a new paragraph.
It is quite similar to rubrication as seen in many
MSS (and not always in red). An arbitrary 
example is shown here:

Note that the squirl at the paragraph start is
not actually part of the text. Some are red, some  
are black.

I'd like to stress again that the feature observed 
by Jose Rodriguez only applies to the lines that
start with a gallows, not to the whole paragraph,
and that it is almost certainly explained by the
occurrence of words including f- and p- gallows
on these lines.
It seems interesting to check whether there is
any preference for f- or p- gallows in these 
words, depending on which is the paragraph-initial

Cheers, Rene

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