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Re: VMs: A very important discovery!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rene Zandbergen" <r_zandbergen@xxxxxxxxx>
> It seems interesting to check whether there is
> any preference for f- or p- gallows in these
> words, depending on which is the paragraph-initial
> sign.
> Cheers, Rene
I did a quick hand check for the first 45 herbal pages.
These results are for the first line of each page.
For example, in lines that start with k, out of 10 lines, there
were 2 f's, 8 p's, 8 k's, and 16 t's that followed the initial k.

Char.      f         p         k         t          gallows/line     # of
   k          2         8        8        16                  3.4
   t           5        12       4        15                  4.0
   p          9         30     13       22                  3.5
   f           2         15       4         2                   4.6

-  Pam

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