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RE: VMs: Rohonczi Codex
5/11/2004 5:59:43 PM, Rene Zandbergen <r_zandbergen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>Has this procedure ever been tried out with the
>'extraneous writing' in the VMs (f17r, "der Musdel")
>in order to get an opinion on the origin of this
>writing (age, region)?
That is entirely different. The letter in German out of the
Rohonczi posed no problems beyond that the jpeg was poor
quality and the handwriting a bit of a scrawl, although fine
and regular.
If you remember, years back, someone of us (perhaps me)
asked on sci.lang about the months of the calendar
folios, and we got the answer that "Octember"
was of central-European origin (Czech? I don't
remember exactly).
But back to the Rohonczi letter. It is unambiguous
modern German, and even I, given a better image, could
have read it without much difficulty.
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