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Re: Re: VMs: Suggestions: VMS Meeting (UK) and VMS Periodical
Hello Nick and all,
======= You wrote:
>I think Jan Hurych's e-periodical is pretty good in that respect: though
>it's also true that a lot of ongoing research (like page ordering, the
>zodiac hand, etc) is still fairly fragmentary / incomplete.
Thanks for mentioning, but the purpose of the periodical is mainly to inform
Czech readers. The part in English contains only the sections of some interest
for international readers - some of my works and ideas - and yes, it is
in fragments. You may also find it opinionated and often disagreeable, but that
was the intent: to provoke all kind of reactions from the readers. Lately, I
enclosed in the Discussion part my own letters to this list, mainly since I am a
senior (going to senile) and may forget what I said yesterday :-). I apologize for
not quoting the others, but it was not meant to carry out our discussions
elsewhere, just to post my own ideas since I already spent time to write them
anyway :-).
Generally, I think Rene's page and this VM List is just enough for current
members of our conference. What we are missing is some periodical which
would summarize the works of the past month, some kind of a digest that
would show our continuous progress - or at least the points we already
reached or stopped at. I can see the newcomers facing the archive of this list
with desperation: what to read first - there is so many letters!
My experience of course is that it takes a lot of time to write anything of that
sort (I do have two more magazines to take care of and it shows). The digest
may be handled however simple way by selecting few persons to write the
very short "monthly summary" letter to this list - those letters being called
SUMMARY so they would be easily spotted in the archive. Probably one
person for history, one for language and script, one for cryptography and one
for the rest. They would have to mention only the main points and ideas - at
the end of letter should be the quotation of interesting links.
Come to think of it - is it really worthwhile to do that? We all read everything
in this list anyway - but it would get newcomers pretty quickly in the main
flow and show the public how far we got so far. Well, we may not see it, but
the progress is certainly there.
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