> Gustav Wilhelm Geßmann
> Geheimsymbole der Arzneikunde, Alchemie und Astrologie
> I read it, but so far did not discover any direct VMS connection.
> Jean
I have borrowed the book from the KB. It is striking :
- there are indeed no obvious connections to the VMS
- BUT there are - at first sight - a lot of symbols that were used in
Renaissance crypto (i.e. Tranchedino, Papal cryptography, etc.).
- many VMS-period cryptographers used alchemistic/astrological symbols
- the author of the VMS did not use this imagery
==> the author was NOT a cryptographer?
The more I notice the difference between all Renaissance crypto I know of -
and the VMS, the more I'm starting to believe in the hoax hypothesis.
I'll try to spot some obvious matches between Tranchedino and Gessman's
symbols. Or hase anyone alread! y done this?
Greetings, Petr
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